


Weekday 16:00-20:00 | Weekend/Holidays 13:00-19:00


ニューヨークを拠点に活動する壁画アーティスト、DORAGON76とグラフィティ界の巨匠「OG SLICK」率いる「DISSIZIT!」に所属する唯一の日本人アーティストCOOKの合同作品展。



これまでに手掛けた最大の壁画は、2021年にテキサス州ヒューストンで国連の委託を受けて制作した256フィート x 53フィートの大作。米国各地48か所で壁画を描き、ART BATTLE NYで3度の優勝を果たし、2018年にはUS CHAMPIONSHIPで初代全米チャンピオンに輝いた。

また、New EraやXLargeなどの有名ブランドとのコラボレーションも数多く手掛けており、日本の伝統的な侍を現代風にアレンジしたオリジナルキャラクター玩具「DR76」は、発売直後に完売するなど高い人気を誇っている。

Since 2016, he’s been working as a mural artist based in New York. His works are characterized by a unique style that is constantly evolving, exploring the coexistence of opposing elements such as “past and future,” “stillness and motion,” and “justice and evil.”

The largest mural I have created to date was a 256ft by 53ft piece commissioned by the United Nations in Houston, Texas, in 2021. He has painted murals in 48 locations across the United States, won ART BATTLE NY three times, and became the first US champion in the 2018.

He also has collaborated with global brands such as New Era and XLarge. His original character toy “DR76,” a modern update of the traditional Japanese samurai—a key part of my identity—sold out within minutes of its release, reflecting its immense popularity.


大阪出身のCOOKは、グラフィティを基盤に、キャラクターを用いたストーリー性豊かな作風で独自の世界観を表現するアーティスト。グラフィティ界の巨匠「OG SLICK」率いる「DISSIZIT!」に所属する唯一の日本人であり、20歳からグラフィティ・ライターとしての活動を開始。日本でグラフィティの情報が少なかった時代、単身ロサンゼルスに渡り腕を磨き、以降はアパレルブランドやミュージシャンへのデザイン提供を行い、国内外で高い評価を得ている。

「デビルマン」や「うる星やつら」などの日本アニメとのコラボレーションや、2011年には「映画エヴァンゲリオン」の公式グラフィティ・アートを制作。また、ロサンゼルスでは「手塚プロダクション」との共同企画で「ASTRO BOY BIG MURAL(鉄腕アトムの巨大壁画)」を制作し、「Tha Dogg Pound」とのコラボアイテムも発表。2015年には初のソロショーを開催し、レコードレーベル「Delicious Vinyl」のデザイナーとしても活躍。

さらに、ミューラルアートフェスティバル「POW! WOW! 」にも参加する他、「DREAMS COME TRUE」の舞台セットや国内外の店舗内外装ミューラルアートワーク、ファインアーティストとしての活動にも注目が集まっている。

Hailing from Osaka, COOK is an artist who expresses a unique worldview through a storytelling approach that blends graffiti with character-driven art. He is the only Japanese member of “DISSIZIT!,” a crew led by the legendary graffiti artist OG SLICK. He began his career as a graffiti writer at the age of 20. At a time when graffiti information was scarce in Japan, he traveled alone to Los Angeles to refine his skills, and has since earned high acclaim both domestically and internationally for his designs for apparel brands and musicians.

He has collaborated with Japanese anime such as “Devilman” and “Urusei Yatsura,” and in 2011, he created the official graffiti art for the “Evangelion” film series. In Los Angeles, he worked on a joint project with Tezuka Productions to create the “ASTRO BOY BIG MURAL” and released collaboration items with Tha Dogg Pound. In 2015, he held his first solo show and also worked as a designer for the record label “Delicious Vinyl.”

Additionally, He has participated in the mural art festival “POW! WOW!” and continues to garner attention for his work on stage sets for “DREAMS COME TRUE,” as well as mural artworks for interior and exterior spaces of stores both in Japan and abroad. His activities as a fine artist have also been widely noted.
